Concert Calendar
RSSEvent Information
Franske Delikatesser
15:00 Sct. Lukas Churche
Chr. Richardsvej 2, st. tv
Kati Arikoski-Johnson plays with her students and her singer Angelica Larsson Asp final concert, which will end the season before summer holidays.
Francis Poulenc (1899-1963): Banalités (Guillaume Apollinaire):
I. Chanson d´Orkenise
II. Hôtel
IV. Voyage à ParisSaint-Saens: The Carneval of the Animals
Erik Satie (1866-1925): Trois Mélodies de 1916:
La Statue de bronze (Léon-Paul Fargue)
Daphénéo (Mimi Godebska)
Le Chapelier (René Chalupt)